The Dedications



    Pacific Vortex: No dedication as such but a foreword by Clive explaining the development of Pitt and the story behind publication of the first Pitt book.


    The Mediterranean Caper: "To Amy and Eric, long may they wave," Amy and Eric are the first names of Clive's parents.


    Iceberg: "This one is for Barbara, whose enduring patience somehow sees me through." Barbara is Clive's wife.


    Raise the Titanic!: "With gratitude to my wife, Barbara, Errol Beauchamp, Janet and Randy Richter, and Dick Clark." Clive's wife and friends.


    Vixen 03: "To the Alhambra High School Class of '49, who finally held a reunion." Clive's high school class.


    Night Probe!: "In gratitude to Jerry Brown, Teresa Burkett, Charlie Davis, Derek and Susan Goodwin, Clyde Jones, Don Mercier, Valerie Pallai-Petty, Bill Shea and Ed Wardell, who kept me on track." Some of Clive's friends and acquaintances.


    Deep Six: "To Tubby's Bar & Grill in Alhambra, Rand's Roundup on Wilshire Boulevard, The Black Knight in Costa Mesa, and Shanners' Bar in Denver. GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN." These are places Clive frequented.


    Cyclops: "To the eight hundred American men who were lost with the Leopoldville Christmas Eve 1944 near Cherbourg, France. Forgotten by many, remembered by few." For an account of the tragedy of the Leopoldville, check your history books or read the chapter in The Sea Hunters.


    Treasure: "In memory of Robert Esbenson. No man had a truer friend." Bob Esbenson was Clive's partner in his classic car business who died suddenly from a heart attack in 1987.


    Dragon: "To the men and women of our nation's intelligence services, whose dedication and loyalty are seldom recognized. And whose efforts have saved American citizens more tragedies than can be imagined." Clive felt it was time to give credit to unsung heroes.


    Sahara: "In deep appreciation to Hal Stuber, Ph.D. (environmental chemist), of James P. Walsh & Associates, Boulder, Colorado, for sorting out the hazardous waste and keeping me within acceptable limits." Clive wanted to thank the scientist who gave him advice on the threat of pollutants.


    Inca Gold: "In memory of Dr. Harold Edgerton, Bob Hesse, Erick Schonstedt and Peter Throckmorton, loved and respected by everyone whose lives they touched." These are people Clive had worked with in the past locating historic shipwrecks with NUMA.


    Shock Wave: "With deep appreciation to Dr. Nicholas Nicholas, Dr. Jeffrey Taffet & Robert Fleming." People who have assisted Clive over the years.


    Flood Tide: Acknowledgment, not a dedication. "The author wishes to express his gratitude to the men and women of the Immigration and Naturalization Service for generously providing data and statistics on illegal immigration. Thanks also to the Army Corps of Engineers for their help in describing the capricious natures of the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers. And to the dozens of people who kindly offered ideas and suggestions on obstacles for Dirk and Al to overcome."


    The Sea Hunters: Acknowledgment. "The authors are indebted to Joaquin Saunders, author of The Night before Christmas; Ray Rodgers, author of Survivors of the Leopoldville Disaster; and those men of the 66th Panther Division who survived the terrible tragedy off Cherbourg, France, on the evening of December 24, 1944, for their stories of horror and heroism. It is truly an event that should not be swept away in the mist of time." Dedication: "To the men and women who have supported the National Underwater and Marine Agency from its inception. Through the tough times and the fun times, their loyalty has remained solid and enduring. This is merely a partial record of their remarkable achievements. Without their efforts, over sixty shipwrecks of historical significance might still lie on the bottom of the sea, ignored and forgotten for all time. Some ships are gone, dredged out of existence or buried under modern construction. Some are still intact. Now that the way has been shown, we leave it to future generations to recover the knowledge and artifacts that remain of our maritime history. And to my wife, Barbara, for her enduring patience, and my children, Teri, Dirk and Dana, who grew up with a father who never grew up."